Special Program

Couples Therapy

Nothing is impossible in this World as long as we are strong – mentally, spiritually and socially.

Marriage is an Institution in which we all (Family, children, relatives and friends) have to work towards each other’s betterment till the end.

We have specially designed therapies for Couples who are from different backgrounds and personalities

Depression / Stress / Anxiety Management Programs

We have specially designed counselling therapies to overcome current conditions of  Depression / Stress / Anxiety over a period of time.

Note: We try 100% to naturally cure the existing conditions using psychotherapy (talk therapy) – mainly behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, relaxation techniques and mindfulness.

Only in extreme cases of Psychological disorder or Neurological issues medication (anti anxiety medication)  is    administered by a visiting Doctor at our center.

Student & Career Guidance and Counselling Programs

We have different types of career tests which are mandatory basing on strength of character, personality, decision making, IQ, etc.. which help in guiding the Individual to make a better Career choice based on the above factors.

Capacity Building

Capacity building (or capacity development) is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills and knowledge needed to do their jobs competently. Capacity building and capacity development are often used interchangeably; however, some people interpret capacity building as not recognizing people’s existing capacity whereas capacity development recognizes existing capacities which require improvement.

Enhancing Confidence

Self-confidence is an essential part of humanity. A person with self-confidence generally likes themselves, is willing to take risks to achieve their personal and professional goals, and thinks positively about the future. Someone who lacks self-confidence, however, is less likely to feel that they can achieve their goals, and tends to have a negative perspective about themselves and what they hope to gain in life. The good news is that self-confidence is something you can improve! Building self-confidence requires you to cultivate a positive attitude about yourself and your social interactions, while also learning to deal with any negative emotions that arise and practicing greater self-care. You should learn to set goals and take risks, as well, since meeting challenges can further improve your self-confidence.

Parental Guidance

Parents are the key to helping children – whether the issues are developmental, emotional, behavioural, or educational, it is through working closely with parents that progress is achieved and maintained. It is my belief that each parent is an “expert” when it comes to her or his own child. By providing parents with the tools and confidence they need, the whole family is strengthened and the child is helped.


Parent Guidance

Parenting isn’t always an easy job. We all experience moments of uncertainty about how to balance the needs of our various family members, teach our kids the skills they need, provide consistent discipline, and manage our children’s moods (or our own, for that matter).

Individual consultation and coaching are available to parents.


Parent Education

Parenting is a long-term proposition and we must grow as parents alongside our children. Parenting courses are offered regularly for parents who want to learn better ways to communicate, boost children’s self-esteem, and develop positive and effective discipline skills.

Seminars and workshops on specific parenting topics are also offered from time to time.


Parenting Principles: Skills and Strategies

A relaxed, informative and interactive way to boost your “parenting IQ” by: improving communication, developing positive and effective discipline, and nurturing children’s self-confidence. This six-week course is most suitable for parents of children aged 2 to 12, and focuses on key skills every parent needs: loving, listening, speaking, coaching, enforcing the limits and building confidence.